Top Transport Europe is the only event in France to bring together so many European carriers and qualified shippers looking for concrete solutions to their needs.
On October 12 and 13, this One-to-One event brings together 700 transport and logistics experts for 2 days of qualified, pre-planned business meetings in Marseilles. It brings together in one convivial location, and in an exclusive way, the top decision-makers and suppliers in the market while meeting their primary motivations: Develop your network with high-level contacts Accelerate your business Access quality content and debate with your peers
A business gas pedal
A genuine business meeting, each guest with an ultra-qualified project(s) is given a schedule of One-to-One appointments over 2 days, enabling them to meet the partners who can provide them with a concrete response to their project.
Would you like to meet us at the show?
Log on to the Top Transport website and book an appointment via your personal space, or visit us at Stand TR08!